1–1:45 PM
A National and State Perspective on Mental Health, Wellness and Student Success
Location: Ballroom Target Audience: All Parkside Employees
Speaker: Linda Marchlewski, EAB Consultant for Moon Shot for Equity
In the wake of the pandemic era, the importance of addressing student mental health and well-being remains a heightened focus for campus leaders. Join EAB Consultant, Linda Marchlewski, as she shares national, regional, and campus perspectives on the interconnected challenges of academic readiness and mental well-being, and explores effective strategies to support the mental health and academic success of students at UW Parkside and beyond.
2:00 – 2:45 p.m.
Taking it to the Campus Level
Location: Ballroom Target Audience: All Parkside Employees
Speakers: Dr. Renee Sartin Kirby, Director of Student Health, Counseling, and Student Accessibility Services; Ashley Charney, Counselor; Amanda O’Connell, Counselor; DeAnn Possehl, Assistant Provost for Student Success
This session will share local data on student mental health, provide information on resources available to faculty and staff and demonstrate new resources available to students to support mental health and wellness. Time will be included for participants to talk about how to increase awareness of the resources among students through their individual practices.
2:45 – 3:15 p.m.
Refreshments and Tour the New Reflection & Multifaith Rooms
Location: Molinaro D131-133 Target Audience: All Parkside Employees
Grab a light snack and visit the new Reflection & Multifaith Rooms that will officially open at the start of the fall semester. These rooms are open to all Parkside students, faculty, and staff.
3:15 – 4:00 p.m.
How to Encourage Belonging in the Classroom
Location: Molinaro D132 Target Audience: Faculty and Instructors
Speaker: Amber Handy, Associate Vice Provost for the Center for Excellence in Inclusive Teaching & Learning
Aimed at faculty and instructors, this session will introduce a variety of small scale, easily implemented techniques shown by research to improve students' sense of belonging and/or connection in the physical or virtual classroom. Participants will be encouraged to adopt one or more techniques before the start of classes. Further support materials will be available online.
4:00 – 4:30 p.m.
First-Year Student Belonging Initiative Kick-Off
Location: Molinaro D132
Facilitator: Amber Handy
Faculty and Instructors chosen by their departments to participate in the First-Year Student Belonging Initiative will discuss the overall project, implementation timeline for their chosen technique, cohort structure, support network, and follow-up plans for the fall semester.