Huron Engagement

Huron Report 11/27/2023

Week of November 13

Conduct Stakeholder Workshops

The initial large group workshop will emphasize how targeted opportunities were chosen for further discussion from a wider list of explored functions, as well as outline context around high-level market trends, benchmarked trends, and institutional historical trends (e.g., SCH vs. staffing levels). Guiding principles for the sessions will prioritize a) greater administrative efficiency, b) compliance with university, system, and state regulations and procedures, c) student growth support, and d) creative solutions to achieve budgetary objectives. The workshops will exclude identification of potential programmatic reductions. Areas of focus will include Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Marketing/Enrollment, Admissions, Facilities, and IT.

Week of October 30

Meeting with Leadership/gather engagement data

Discuss next steps and build campus-wide workgroups

Week of October 23

Meeting with Chancellor

Share feedback from campus entrance interviews

Week of October 17

Consulting Engagement Entrance Interviews

To gather preliminary data to help scope engagement and define outcomes

Deloitte Engagement

View report here

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