Self-Help Resources

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Find tips, and tools for everything from stress and finances, to academics and social connection. YOU@College  is designed to help keep your academics and well-being on track as you navigate college life.

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Short,  self-guided wellness courses for students wanting to reduce stress, navigate difficult situations and build health relationships. Available through the Care Hub by Mantra Health.


Peer Support

FREE, Anonymous, 24/7 peer-to-peer support.  A safe place where you can connect with others about what's going on in your life - big or small. Available through TogetherAll.

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Emotional Wellness Coaching

Short-term, goal oriented  wellness coaching for students  wanting self management strategies.   After a brief assessment to determine what is best for you, you'll get matched with an experienced coach who will teach you skills and work with you.  Available through the Care Hub by Mantra Health.


Active Minds

Active Minds is a mental health awareness student group striving to remove the stigma surrounding mental health.  It is part of the national Active Minds network.

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Zen Den

The Zen Den, located at Student Health and Counseling,  is a space to relax, unwind, meditate, or journal.  There is a massage chair, yoga matt and free tea. There is a massage chair, yoga mat and poster and free tea for in the space. Reserve the space for 30- or 60-minutes, Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm. Call 262-595-2366 to reserve your space

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