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- Anthony Aiello Computer Science
- Ifeyimika Ajaiyeoba Business
- Ekundayo Akinlade Business
- Taylor Akmon Center for Health Sciences
- Lovina Akowuah Business
- Stacie Albert Geosciences
- Lori Allen Chemistry
- Zaid Altahat Computer Science
- Karin Anderson Liberal Studies
- Valerie Antoniewicz Institute of Professional Educator Development
- Jacquelyn Arcy Communication
- Kim Armstrong College of Natural and Health Sciences
- Ross Astoria Politics, Philosophy, and Law
- Musa Ayar Business
- Nahiyan Faisal Azad Economics
- Madhumita Banerjee Sociology
- Lisa Barber Art and Design
- Robert Barber Biological Sciences
- Leigh Barea Athletics
- Bhuvaneswari Baskaran Center for Professional Studies
- Scott Batcheller Chemistry
- David Bayles Music
- Trenton Baylor Art and Design
- Nick Becker Athletics
- Joanie Beinecke Literature and Languages
- John Bennett Health Information Management and Technology
- Josef Benson Literature and Languages
- Heidi Berenz Mathematics and Physics
- Thomas Berenz Art and Design
- Christopher Berry Music
- Mary Beuscher College of Natural and Health Sciences
- Sylvia Beyer Psychology, Prof Counseling, and Neuroscience
- Keith Biddle Criminal Justice
- Kerry Bieneman Music
- Kaila Bingen Community Engagement
- Kaleigh Blake Center for Health Sciences
- Susan Boehm Art and Design
- William Boppre Health, Kinesiology and Sport Management
- Ami Bouterse Music
- Jennifer Bowe Center for Professional Studies
- Katie Bowers Athletics
- Misti Bradford Theatre Arts
- Robtrice Brawner Psychology, Prof Counseling, and Neuroscience
- Anjuli Brekke Communication
- Zachary Brost Criminal Justice
- Carla Brott Literature and Languages
- Elizabeth Brownson History
- David Bruce History
- Jamey Buencamino Music
- Daniel Burch Center for Professional Studies
- William Burnett Cntr Excellence in Inclusive Teaching & Learning
- Ryan Cappleman Theatre Arts
- Aaron Carlstrom Psychology, Prof Counseling, and Neuroscience
- Theresa Castor Office of the Provost
- Tsun-Mei Chang Chemistry
- Zachary Charbonneau Athletics
- Libby Chernouski Literature and Languages
- Darnell Clay Health, Kinesiology and Sport Management
- Jennifer Clemens Politics, Philosophy, and Law
- Ethan Clements Chemistry
- Patricia Clements Institute of Professional Educator Development
- Jennifer Conely Athletics
- Donald Conner Business
- Gregory Cramer Institute of Professional Educator Development
- Seifdeen Dana College of Social Sciences & Professional Studies
- Ilirian Dhimitruka Chemistry
- German Diaz Institute of Professional Educator Development
- Randall Dissmore Music
- Caitlin Dobson Student Affairs
- Kelly Doherty Theatre Arts
- Nicole Dutton Center for Health Sciences
- Sharazazi Dyson Psychology, Prof Counseling, and Neuroscience
- Karen Estrada Theatre Arts
- Adeel Faheem Economics
- Adam Fornal Sustainable Management
- Major Franklin Business
- Maria Franshaw Institute of Professional Educator Development
- Kenneth French Geography and Anthropology
- Jonathan Fuhrer Office of the Provost
- Molly Fuller Theatre Arts
- Michelle Gabor Business
- Alvaro Garcia Garcia College of Arts and Humanities
- Amy Garrigan Community Engagement
- Michele Gee College of Business, Economics, and Computing
- Rita Gentile Theatre Arts
- Brian Gill Theatre Arts
- Sally Gill Theatre Arts
- Donald Gillespie Business
- Kathleen Gillogly Geography and Anthropology
- Sheronda Glass Office of Administrative and Fiscal Affairs
- David Glaub Literature and Languages
- Curtis Goettge Center for Professional Studies
- Karin Gonzalez Center for Professional Studies
- Ryne Goralski Health, Kinesiology and Sport Management
- Martin Gottschalk Criminal Justice
- Erin Graham Psychology, Prof Counseling, and Neuroscience
- Christos Graikos Computer Science
- Kevin Gray College of Arts and Humanities
- Melissa Gregg Psychology, Prof Counseling, and Neuroscience
- Elizabeth Grobart Institute of Professional Educator Development
- Lisa Grodey Institute of Professional Educator Development
- Raghava Gundala Business
- Joshua Hall Liberal Studies
- Jillayne Halverson Business
- Amber Handy Office of the Provost
- Anh Hang Business
- Kalyn Harewood Music
- Albert Harris Biological Sciences
- Miles Hartley Business
- Heather Hebior Center for Health Sciences
- John Heinisch Institute of Professional Educator Development
- Lesley Heins Walker College of Arts and Humanities
- Shawn Hensgen Center for Professional Studies
- Erik Herbrechtsmeier Center for Professional Studies
- Donna Hewitt Music
- David Higgs Biological Sciences
- Erin Hillard Psychology, Prof Counseling, and Neuroscience
- Mark Hoelscher Theatre Arts
- Shawn Houtsinger Literature and Languages
- Christopher Hudspeth Politics, Philosophy, and Law
- Allison Hull Music
- Timothy Ipsen Music
- Jonathan Irabagon Music
- Elaine Isaacson Philippa Office of the Provost
- Julie Jacob Literature and Languages
- Melissa Jakubowski Center for Professional Studies
- Amanda Johnson Athletics
- Russell Johnson Music
- Sarah Johnson Center for Professional Studies
- Hom Kandel Mathematics and Physics
- Debra Karp Community Engagement
- Dean Karpowicz Literature and Languages
- Ryan Karr Mathematics and Physics
- Richard Karwatka Mathematics and Physics
- Kassandra Kavanaugh Psychology, Prof Counseling, and Neuroscience
- Jennifer Keefe Politics, Philosophy, and Law
- Mary Kerr Theatre Arts
- Bom Soo Kim Mathematics and Physics
- James Kinchen Music
- Heather Kind-Keppel Sociology
- Julie Kinzelman College of Natural and Health Sciences
- Timothy Knautz Computer Science
- Garrison Komaniecki Chemistry
- Victor Kreiman Mathematics and Physics
- Victoria Ksobiech Institute of Professional Educator Development
- Pritosh Kumar Business
- Abey Kuruvilla Business
- Maryann Lamer Communication
- Matthew Landry Center for Professional Studies
- Anita Lang Literature and Languages
- Lindsey Larsen Art and Design
- Ayesu Lartey Music
- Dustin Laurenzi Music
- Traci Lee Biological Sciences
- Mary Lenard Literature and Languages
- Jordania Leon-Jordan Campus Technology Services
- Bryan Lewis College of Natural and Health Sciences
- Ling Li Economics
- Miaochan Li Business
- Zhaohui Li Geosciences
- Hyunji Lim Communication
- Terra Lindberg Criminal Justice
- Maggie Loney Academic Affairs
- Qinghua Luo Mathematics and Physics
- Brian Lyons Health, Kinesiology and Sport Management
- Nicholas Maas Athletics
- Jeremy Magnan Literature and Languages
- Alexander Mandl Music
- Brian Martens Health, Kinesiology and Sport Management
- Daniel Martin Art and Design
- Gregory Mayer Biological Sciences
- Aubri McDonald Criminal Justice
- Meredith McGinley Psychology, Prof Counseling, and Neuroscience
- Terry McGovern Business
- Kathy McKee Business
- Matthew McPherson Computer Science
- Jimmy Mcroy Literature and Languages
- Sunita Mehrotra Business
- William Miller Health, Kinesiology and Sport Management
- Edward Mittag Institute of Professional Educator Development
- Pirooz Mohazzabi Mathematics and Physics
- Elizabeth Morse-Hambrock Music
- Catherine Mossman Biological Sciences
- Meghan Mota Institute of Professional Educator Development
- Kaushik Nagarajan Muthusamy Ragothaman Computer Science
- Fumi Nakayama Music
- Jerilynn Nettesheim Institute of Professional Educator Development
- Lan Nguyen Mathematics and Physics
- Brittany Nikolic Athletics
- Xue Ning Business
- Christopher Noto Biological Sciences
- Jessica Orlofske Biological Sciences
- Kristin Ortman Athletics
- Dana Oswald Literature and Languages
- Emmanuel Otu College of Natural and Health Sciences
- Renee Oyotode Epse Adebile Business
- Jose Palao Andres Health, Kinesiology and Sport Management
- Megan Parietti Health, Kinesiology and Sport Management
- William Parker Mathematics and Physics
- Tatiana Pearson Music
- Tara Pedersen Literature and Languages
- Fabian Preuss Biological Sciences
- Shannon Prince Institute of Professional Educator Development
- Nicholas Raffa Center for Health Sciences
- Hilary Rasmussen Communication
- Amelia Ray Chemistry
- Lucas Reigel Athletics
- Laura Rexroth Music
- Gregory Richards Biological Sciences
- Jesus Rivera Communication
- Ignacio Rivero Covelo Psychology, Prof Counseling, and Neuroscience
- Meredith Robbins Academic Affairs
- Russell Roberson Healthcare Administration
- Keena Roberts Communication
- Elizabeth Rockendorf Health Information Management and Technology
- Guadalupe Rodriguez-De Melgar Literature and Languages
- David Rogers Biological Sciences
- Nicole Ryan Student Support Services
- Nathan Sabin Center for Professional Studies
- Nicholas Salimbene Criminal Justice
- Kamil Samara Computer Science
- Alfredo Sandoval Flores Student Support Services
- Rebecca Sawasky Johnson Mathematics and Physics
- Adam Schemm Athletics
- Jeanne Schierstedt Center for Professional Studies
- Edward Schmitt History
- Vicki Schmitz Art and Design
- Kathleen Schoenberger Center for Professional Studies
- Karsyn Schrag Theatre Arts
- Dennis Schultz Criminal Justice
- Laura Schulz Sustainable Management
- Jody Sekas Theatre Arts
- Brent Sekularac College of Business, Economics, and Computing
- William Singsen Art and Design
- John Skalbeck College of Natural and Health Sciences
- Marie Smith Advising and Career Center
- Eric Snodgrass Health, Kinesiology and Sport Management
- Jordan Snyder Psychology, Prof Counseling, and Neuroscience
- Jeffrey Sommerfeld Institute of Professional Educator Development
- John Standard Academic Affairs
- Andrea Stanek Institute of Professional Educator Development
- Noele Stollmack Theatre Arts
- Stefanie Strauss-Thompkins Health, Kinesiology and Sport Management
- Jeanne Suda Sustainable Management
- Natalia Taft Biological Sciences
- Robert Thomas Center for Professional Studies
- Hayley Treadway Athletics
- Dwight Trieber Center for Professional Studies
- Leslie Vaglica Theatre Arts
- Hillary Vara College of Natural and Health Sciences
- Glen Veed Psychology, Prof Counseling, and Neuroscience
- Jon Verdegan Health, Kinesiology and Sport Management
- Julie Verhagen Center for Professional Studies
- Adrienne Viramontes Communication
- Andrew Vondissen Mathematics and Physics
- Donald Wadewitz Health, Kinesiology and Sport Management
- Matthew Wagner Center for Professional Studies
- Philip Wagner Criminal Justice
- Steven Wallner Student Affairs
- Kathleen Walsh Institute of Professional Educator Development
- Xun Wang Sociology
- John Ward Geography and Anthropology
- Carey Watters Art and Design
- Calvin Watts Advising and Career Center
- Carly Werwie-Swartz Athletics
- Connie Wheeler Center for Professional Studies
- Caitlin Whitaker Geography and Anthropology
- Jonathan Wild Business
- Kelsey Williams Music
- Morgan Williams Theatre Arts
- Courtney Wirtz Institute of Professional Educator Development
- Bingqing Wu Business
- Qian Ye Business
- Christopher Zanowski Student Support Services
- Han Zhang Academic Affairs
- Jason Zitzke Athletics
- Tarila Zuofa Business
- Michael Zurad Business
- Your search returned no results.
- Advising and Career Center
- Campus Technology Services
- Center for Health Sciences
- Center for Professional Studies
- Cntr Excellence in Inclusive Teaching & Learning
- College of Arts and Humanities
- College of Business, Economics, and Computing
- College of Natural and Health Sciences
- College of Social Sciences & Professional Studies
- Geography and Anthropology
- Health Information Management and Technology
- Health, Kinesiology and Sport Management
- Healthcare Administration
- Institute of Professional Educator Development
- Office of Administrative and Fiscal Affairs
- Politics, Philosophy, and Law
- Psychology, Prof Counseling, and Neuroscience
- Baldwin, Dirk College of Business, Economics, and Computing
- Bayuzick, Dennis Art and Design
- Beach, David Psychology, Prof Counseling, and Neuroscience
- Bedford, Frances Music
- Brunner, Andrew Mathematics and Physics
- Canary, Robert Literature and Languages
- Cashion, J Chemistry
- Christoph, Siegfried International Studies
- Crafton, Linda Communication
- Cress, Donald College of Natural and Health Sciences
- Crowley, James Music
- Determan, Thomas Business
- Ducoffe, Robert Office of the Provost
- Duetsch, Larry Economics
- Ebeid, Fred Office of the Provost
- Egerton, Frank History
- Eichner, Mark Office of the Provost
- Firebaugh, Morris Computer Science
- Gellott, Laura History
- Goldsmith, Alan Art and Design
- Gonzalez, Gail Literature and Languages
- Goodman, Eugene Biological Sciences
- Graffin, Walter Literature and Languages
- Greenebaum, Ben Mathematics and Physics
- Gundersen, Ross Biological Sciences
- Gurnack, Anne Politics, Philosophy, and Law
- Hawk, Stephen Business
- Hunkeler, Rosemary Literature and Languages
- James, Peggy Center for Professional Studies
- Judge, Richard Chemistry
- Kavenik, Frances Cntr Excellence in Inclusive Teaching & Learning
- Keehn, Richard Economics
- Khoury, Laura Sociology
- Kim, Shi Sociology
- Knight, Peter Business
- Kohneh, Zahra Mathematics and Physics
- Kolb, Vera Chemistry
- Leeds-Hurwitz, Wendy Communication
- Lichtman, Alexander Mathematics and Physics
- Longeway, John Politics, Philosophy, and Law
- Lyter Antonneau, Penny Healthcare Administration
- Manion, Michael Business
- Mckeever, James Music
- Moats, Sandra History
- Murin, William Politics, Philosophy, and Law
- Rajan, Roby Business
- Rosenberg, Helen Office of the Provost
- Schleiter, Mary Sociology
- Schutte, Andries Sociology
- Singer, Ronald Office of the Provost
- Stathatos, Constantin Literature and Languages
- Takata, Susan Criminal Justice
- Vopat, Carole Literature and Languages
- Walasek, Richard Sustainable Management
- Walter, Donald Psychology, Prof Counseling, and Neuroscience
- Warren, Skelly Theatre Arts
- Witt, Thomas College of Business, Economics, and Computing
- Wolf, Joy Continuing Education
- Wood, Gary Office of the Provost
- Zepp, Evelyn University Governance