Academic Staff

UW System has a history of shared decision making with faculty, staff, and students. Your Academic Staff Committee and several additional committees represent your voice.

Your Representatives:

Jennie Callas   
Richard Karwatka, Vice-Chair   
Dina Kaye
Laura Mason, Chair
Denise Olstinske, State Representative
Rebecca Sawasky

Do you have questions about policies, Title and Total Compensation changes, personnel issues?

You can contact the Academic Staff Committee members with questions and concerns and we will try to provide answers or point you in the appropriate direction.

Meeting Notices


Are you interested in joining academic staff governance?

In the spring, a preference survey will be sent out to all academic staff employees asking which committees you would be interested in serving on. Some positions are given through an elective process, others are appointed based on interest from the survey.

Are you interested in professional development?

The Academic Staff Professional Development Fund (ASPDF) has money available to help with conference and training costs.

Academic staff employed 50% of full time or more are eligible to apply. The proposal must have support from the applicant's department/unit and be for a future activity. The maximum award is limited to $1,000 and have at least 25% matching funds. Funds are limited.

Are you interested in getting involved in university governance?

There are a wide variety of committees that you can be elected or appointed to. During the spring, the Academic Staff Committee sends out a preference survey for the various Academic, Faculty, and Administrative Committees that need people. You can download an explanation of the committees that require academic staff, then fill out the preference survey to have your name included on a ballot or for appointment consideration.

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