Veterans Services
We’re online for you.
Enrolled for summer or fall classes? Submit your R-VAB now via the link on this page.
Contact us by phone at 262-595-2497 or email
Our goal is to serve each of our military and veteran students and family members as you have served our country. Your service to our country means something at Parkside!
Wondering who you should contact? Reach out to one of the members of our support team.
Veterans Services
Quick Links
The Federal Military Tuition Assistance Program
Before you can apply for Federal Military Tuition Assistance, you’ll first need to visit your installation’s education office. There, you’ll receive college counseling to assist you in developing an education plan. Once that’s done, you can submit your Military Tuition Assistance request.
In order to be considered for Military Tuition Assistance, you’ll need to submit a completed authorization form to your Military University Representative at least two weeks before your class start date.
Depending on your branch, you may be eligible to receive up to 100% Federal Tuition Assistance from military service, with a $250 cap per semester hour and a $4,500 annual limit.
Veterans are strongly encouraged to apply for Financial Aid. How to Apply
Why attend Parkside?
- Small campus where faculty and staff value YOU
- Ability to connect YOU to the resources of the UW System
- Priority registration for veterans
- Small class sizes help make the transition back/into the classroom as smooth as possible
- Easy transfer of military credits
- YOU will fit in at a campus that is made up of students of all ages
- We focus on YOUR individual needs as a team…a team made up of designated veteran liaisons from various campus offices and department to serve as a resource to YOU
COVID-19 Updates
Special COVID rules extended to December 21, 2021. With the passage of H.R.8337 - Continuing Appropriations Act, 2021 and Other Extensions Act, the special COVID rules have been extended. Post 9/11 GI Bill students who pursue resident courses converted to an online modality solely due to COVID 19 will continue to receive the MHA rate for resident training. Students who have any questions concerning their course modality should contact their learning institution. For specific questions about VA education benefits, please call the Education Call center at 1-888-442-455.