Center for Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
The Center for Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies is an interdisciplinary program that draws upon all departments at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside, to provide a systematic analysis of gendered experiences in society through classes, programs, and a minor. These courses and programs are relevant for all people seeking a fuller understanding of past, present, future, cultural, historical, and public policy of social trends.
The Teresa Peck Award is a monetary award given each year for the best gender-related paper, project, or creative work written or produced by a University of Wisconsin-Parkside of any gender. Only those students enrolled at UW Parkside as full-time students are eligible.
The paper/creative work must have a feminist and/or gender, and/or sexuality studies objective and/or reflect a feminist/ gender/sexuality studies creative or theoretical approach or analysis. Revision of papers with the advice of the recommending faculty member is encouraged. Students can submit more than one piece of work, but the submissions will be considered separately rather than in combination. Active members of the Center for Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies will read/view the work and make final determinations regarding the winners (first, second, and third).
Some possible topics include: intersectional feminism(s), masculinity, gender and language/communication, underrepresented categories of women, medicine and gender identity, maternal health and well-being, #MeToo conversations, and much more.
Criteria include:
- value of the work to the field,
- appropriate research methodology,
- creativity of approach, and
- critical or theoretical insight.
Sources should be documented by using MLA style or whatever documentation system is appropriate for the academic discipline (check with the instructor if in doubt), and the paper should be free of grammatical, technical, and structural errors.
Academic papers should be at least 10-12 pages long but no longer than 20 pages including reference list/ bibliography. Creative/art productions should include statement of production process and author intent (can be separate or included in the cover letter described below). Bibliography should include only citations for sources that are clearly and actively used in the paper. As with any academic assignment, students are responsible to the UW system policy related to academic misconduct.
View helpful guidelines concerning plagiarism.
Submissions should be sent by March 31 and include a cover letter explaining the nature of the work along with campus email address.
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