As a student, you are at the heart of Parkside. And, we are doubling down on our efforts to ensure your success -- taking a holistic approach to providing support.
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The Commons is the physical hub for student success services.
15 to Finish | Taking 15 credits a semester (or 30 per year) will ensure you get 120 credits in four years -- saving time and money.
Math for new and continuing students who could benefit from additional math support and skill, and to help build confidence.
Meta Majors are groupings of similar majors, or majors that start on the same pathway.
The Parkside Promise Plus program will cover any tuition not covered by financial aid and scholarships for eligible students. PLUS, it provides academic support for your success.
Navigate's technology, your goals, and Parkside's devoted faculty and staff work together to help improve outcomes for you and all students — particularly those at risk for not reaching their goals.
The Parkside Academic Resource Center (PARC) offers free academic support, including tutoring and supplemental instruction, in a variety of undergraduate subjects each fall and spring semester.
Academic Success Coaches are peers who can coach you on what works best for them so you can discover your full potential.
Moon Shot for Equity is a national initiative that aims to close equity gaps in higher education by 2030.
Feeling overwhelmed, need help, raise your hand, with the Navigate app "Hand Raise Feature". Don't have the Navigate App? Click on the Navigate image on this page.