Career Launch: Power Up Your Plan

Career Launch
October 09, 2024
11 am - 2 pm
The Commons - Wyllie Hall D130

Join us for Career Launch!  We've got everything you need to succeed: mock interviews, resume reviews, professional headshots, career advice, Handshake and LinkedIn help and more! Plus, enjoy free food, drinks, and employer swag. Don't miss this opportunity to power up your career plan on October 9! 

All of these career resources will be in one place from 11am-2pm at Career Launch - Power Up Your Plan

• Sign-up for a mock job interview with an employer who will give you professional coaching and advice with tips on how to ace any job interview

• Sign-up for a resume review with an employer who will look over your resume and offer suggestions on how you can kick it up a notch to really get noticed

• Get a FREE professional headshot photo taken for your LinkedIn and Handshake accounts AND get advice on how to create a professional LinkedIn profile

• Pick up free career resources like our resume guide & cover letter guide

• Visit the Jockey Career Closet for free professional clothing for the upcoming career fairs or job interview

• Register for our fall career fairs and learn about which employers will be there

• Free food & refreshments

• Employer swag giveaway

QUESTIONS? Talk to your academic advisor or email Linda Bevec:

Linda Bevec

Renee Young-Trego
AbbVie, Uline, and Froedtert South
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