The First-Gen Experience: Pursuing Careers in Clinical and Non-Clinical Healthcare

November 09, 2023
5 pm - 6 pm

The First-Generation Experience: Pursuing Careers in Clinical and Non-Clinical Healthcare

Join us to hear from experts in the healthcare industry that will provide advice for students who are considering career tracks for clinical and non-clinical healthcare. Learn about what you should consider when pursuing these career tracks and what experiences and resources you should be aware of during your college experience. An additional focal point of this session is providing professional insight to our Parkside job-seekers who identify as first-generation college students. All are welcome, but please note that this session's topic is targeted at students in the College of Natural and Health Sciences. Refreshments will be served. 

First Gen Week words

Multicultural Professional Dialogues are career development sessions that provide guidance, preparation, and future opportunities for multicultural students to fully meet their career potential. Sessions have various topics that allow participants to build their career readiness skills and focus on understanding one’s unique, cultural lens in navigating diverse work environments.

Luis Benevoglienti

Kaila Bingen
Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, Advising & Career Center
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